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We Do Not Lose Heart (2 Corinthians 4:1-18)

Series: 2 Corinthians (Power In Weakness)

Persecution will bring slander, a loss of friends, a loss of family, great emotional duress, physical pain, and even death. How can we not lose heart in the midst of being rejected for the sake of the gospel? In chapter 4 Paul described how we are sufficient to declare the gospel with boldness because of its heart transforming power. But now Paul returns to the theme of suffering and says even though he is rejected, he acts in two ways. Even though Paul is afflicted, Paul says first, in 2 Corinthians 4:1 that he does not lose heart. He will not be discouraged. Second, in 2 Corinthians 4:2, Paul says he also refuses to change the Word of God or adjust the gospel he speaks so that more will accept him. Paul continues from here to give three main reasons in chapter 4 for why he will neither lose heart nor change his message for more human success in spite of rejection, suffering, and death.

As many nominal Christians gain cultural acceptance by watering down the Bible and we are progressively persecuted more and more, it will be easy for us to get discouraged and wonder if our message is outdated and end up softening the Word in our teaching. Hence, Paul’s three reasons for neither losing heart nor tampering with the Word can serve as a solid foundation for us to return to as we experience rejection, suffering, and death for the gospel.

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