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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/10/14 Sufficient (2 Corinthians 3:1-18) Scott Kercheville Sermon 2 Corinthians (Power In Weakness) Sun AM Sufficient (2 Corinthians 3_1-18).mp3
07/27/14 A Triumphal Procession (2 Corinthians 2:12-17) Scott Kercheville Sermon 2 Corinthians (Power In Weakness) Sun AM TriumphalProcession2Cor2.12-17.mp3
07/13/14 A Brother's Rebuke (2 Corinthians 1:23-2:11) Scott Kercheville Sermon 2 Corinthians (Power In Weakness) Sun PM 02 How to Rebuke a Brother or Sister in Sin.mp3
07/06/14 Afflicted With Purpose (2 Corinthians 1:3-11) Scott Kercheville Sermon 2 Corinthians (Power In Weakness) Sun AM 01 Afflicted With a Purpose.mp3
06/29/14 Declaration of Dependence John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun AM 01 Declaration of Dependence.m4a
06/25/14 Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen (Matt. 22:1-12) John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun AM 01_Many_Called_Few_Chosen_Matthew_22_1-12.mp3
06/22/14 Prayers: Looking Ahead in Leadership, Family, & Evangelism John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun PM 3-01 Prayers_ Looking Ahead.m4a
06/15/14 2 John: Truth John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun PM 01 2 John_ Truth.m4a
06/15/14 Spiritual Blindness John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun AM 01 Spiritual Blindness.m4a
06/09/14 God's Will Tim Byers Special Events N/A Sun AM 01 Gods Will.mp3
06/08/14 David vs. Goliath Emmanuel Isonguyo Sermon N/A Sun PM 01 David vs. Goliath.m4a
06/08/14 Kindness & Goodness Clement Isonguyo Sermon N/A Sun AM 01 Kindness and Goodness.m4a
06/01/14 Choose God! John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun PM 01 Choose God.m4a
06/01/14 Pointing to Pentecost John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun AM 01 Pointing to Pentecost.m4a
05/04/14 Sowing in Faith Justin McCorkle Sermon N/A Sun AM 01 Sowing in Faith-1400543024.mp3
04/27/14 Lessons From a New Father Brian Paher Sermon N/A Sun PM 01 Lessons From a New Father.mp3
04/27/14 Counting the Cost and Realizing the Value (Mt. 10:17-30) David Leach Sermon N/A Sun AM 01 Counting the Cost and Realizing the Value.mp3
04/13/14 Jesus: The Peace Paradox John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun PM 01 Jesus- The Peace Paradox.mp3
04/13/14 Lessons Learned From Youth John Kilgore Sermon N/A Sun AM 01 Lessons Learned From Youth.mp3
03/20/14 Bearing Fruit for Christ Tim Byers Sermon N/A Sun AM 01 Bearing Fruit for Christ.mp3

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